Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rain Drops Into The Ocean

The rain was cleansing. Although, there was a lot of it in Brunei, but to feel rain drop onto my forehead and shoulders, wet shoes, wet socks, it felt really good. It's funny because I'm not one to like being soaked in clothes, but somehow today I just felt good.

Washing away the pain.

Sigh. It gets really boring in camp. Everyone is missing. On MC, in Brunei, just plain, not coming to camp, ORD even. It makes me feel really alone. Just working the mornings away and sleeping the afternoons off. Nights are spent at home in front of the computer or the tele. This whole illegal thing is just necessary. Nothing beats the warm embrace of home. Midnight all over my feet. Just comfort.

I'm happy for one thing though. My surgery has been changed. Now, to get MC to get out of the whole OPS thing completely. That shall be my mission for the rest of the week. They're so going to hate me for this. But, I just need to stop all this Army shit. I need reality. I need time for myself.

Too bad with this shoulder injury, I can't go surfing this May, as I had planned. God knows how badly I need to be away right now. Just me and the ocean. Such a beautiful thought. But, I guess that has to wait.

Waiting for the time to come.

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