Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ring! Ring!

"Ring, Goddamit!"

Awaiting my phone to ring. Bring me news, good news, that's all I want. The handphone sits silently in my pocket, by my thigh. I take it out and place on the table. I'm desperate. I'm willing it to ring. Then, it comes. But...No....The ring is not from my phone. The ring comes from the driver next to me. He awakes immediately from his lazy slumber and answers. My phone defiantly, silent.

Elsewhere, I imiagine there's flurry of activity. I hope there is. Checking of appointments and the Surgery board. Is there an O.R available, doc? This boy, needs a repaired ligament. But, that's partial truth. All I need is an escape. Nevertheless, their handphones and pagers beep crazily away, checking of schedules, change the date, change the date, change the date... Make the bloody thing feasible already.

Ring! Why don't you bloody ring?!

I fling my phone in anger! Shatters into crimson red pieces. The red plastic like blood on broken shrapnel. What have I done? The grenade has exploded. The napalm dropped like rain, fire engulfs 'Nam. We ran towards safety. But the trench that we are in is a locked target. Soon, a mortar will land. Ten seconds from now, the mortar has. I look at the mess I have made. Thank God, it was all in my head. My phone sits silently on the table. It is mocking me. Laughing at me. Desperation is my folly. Maybe I should fling it. That'll teach it a lesson!

My phone sits silently on the table. I go about with my day to day. "Ring! Goddamit!" dancing around my head. But, the ring never comes...

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